Muslin is a loosely woven cotton fabric. It’s made using the plain weave technique, which means that a single weft thread alternates over and under a single warp thread. Muslin is known as the material used in fashion prototypes to test patterns before cutting and stitching the final product.
Muslin originated in what is now Dhaka, Bangladesh, with the first references to muslin dating back to the prehistoric period. Muslin was a valuable commodity, often worth the same as gold, and has been traded around the world throughout human history. European traders first discovered the muslin in Mosul, Iraq, however, hence the name muslin.
During British colonial rule in India and Bangladesh, muslin weavers were brutally treated and forced to weave other fabrics, while muslin was imported from Europe. Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, started spinning yarn himself to make khadi, a type of muslin, as a way to promote self-reliance and to peacefully resist British rule.
Muslin comes in a variety of different forms and weights. High-quality muslins are soft, smooth, and are woven from evenly-spun yarns, which means the thread maintains the same width throughout. Coarser, lower quality muslins are woven with uneven yarns that can be bleached or unbleached.
There are four main grades of muslin:
Muslin is an extremely versatile fabric used for everything from clothing to science to theater. Here are some functions of the fabric.
Muslin should be treated gently when washing. Here are some steps to follow when caring for a muslin item.
Muslin fabric is made from cotton, but certain forms can also incorporate silk and viscose. Muslin differs from other cotton weaves used for items like shirts and dresses because it has a much looser, more open weave.
by Founder Foturo
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